Young person sitting on a park bench on their own

Together we are creating safe spaces for young people

3rd Dec 2019

“Will I be the next one attacked? What do I do if I am? Should I carry a weapon to defend myself and my friends?”

These are the questions that young people are asking us. Most know nothing of the hope and assurance that they can find with Jesus Christ. Most know nothing of the difference God can make to families and communities. But most would love this Christmas present: a life without fear of knife crime – a life of hope and assurance.
Urban Saints are part of the solution – offering safe, exciting spaces for young people to come together and be loved, introduced to Jesus and discipled. But we receive no Government funding and rely entirely on your kindness for the £1,000,000 needed to continue the ministry next year.
Please donate today
A church in the Midlands is giving glory to God for the changes they’ve seen, “Two years ago, we took 4 young people to Spree West Midlands. A year ago, 18, and this year, 25! This summer, three young people said they wanted to follow Jesus and be baptised – but we had no baptistry. As a church we had to do our bit, so we decided to buy one online. Half of the baptistry was delivered to the wrong place and the delivery van broke down, but nothing was going to stop us. What a day of celebration with the young people and their families!”

“A very special girl with additional needs was struggling to mix with her own age group, but she was able to come to Spree. After going to the first session with a leader, she came back so excited, “They have real dancers and I ate a banana with my feet on stage in the games!” The next day she wanted to go with her friends. Now she knows that she belongs and is accepted by her age group.”
“Another of the girls who came to Spree is from a large family. They’ve faced many challenges in the past – rehoused, witchcraft, learning difficulties. At Spree, the leader explained the Gospel and asked those who were serious about God to stand up.  And she stood up! The next morning, their Bibles were open on the sleeping bags – the girls were sharing their favourite Bible verses and praying for each other. The changes for the family are so beautiful to see. We thank God for Urban Saints and all they do to encourage everyone to meet Jesus.”
This is what Urban Saints is all about! This is why we do this, isn’t it? This is why so many of you pray, volunteer and give – to see the next generation find hope and assurance. 
By gathering young people together, loving them, discipling and launching them into the world, we are following the pioneering example of Jesus with His disciples. Here are some of the headlines:

I want to donate monthly to help more young people next year
Our twice-yearly magazine is out now and you can read more stories from the magazine here on our website. This includes summary reports of our expenditure and stewardship.
With your generosity and God’s continued favour, every £ you can give will save more young people from the gnawing fear of attack and give them a safe place to meet together.
Yours in His service,
Richard Langmead


“The word of God spread and the number of disciples multiplied greatly.” Acts 6:7


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