
Urban Saints Ireland Camp

Join our Camps team - Ireland 2020

Join our team We are looking for people who have a heart to serve and lead on our Camps this coming year and help us make them the most memorable week for the young people who attend. We are delighted to host 4 Camps each year: Easter Girls and Easter Boys in Portadown...

Edgar the dragon and his kindly friend Ava as featured in the 2019 John Lewis Christmas advert. They are walking along together through their snow-covered town

Edgar the Dragon

(First published on the Additional Needs Blogfather blog) "Children with additional needs are best supported and helped not by trying to get them to ‘fit in’, or by trying to change them into someone that they are not and can never be, but by helping everyone to accept them for who...

Group of people's hands all reaching in to the centre

Join our team

Are you the one we have been looking for? We are advertising three new roles on the Urban Saints team and we’d love you to consider them or pass them on to someone you think would be perfect for them. Based at our Support Centre in Luton, these roles will each play a vital part...

A line of people side-by-side linking arms and looking out over the ocean.

What are you thankful for?

It’s always good to express gratitude and to reflect on what we are thankful for. In the run up to Christmas, it's a good discipline to practice. Reflection is one thing but when was the last time you actually contacted the person (or entire organisation for that matter!) and told them...

Will James leads the Urban Saints' New Year House Party with his wife Grace

My journey into New Year leadership

My involvement in working with young people all started when I was 16, where I undertook training in sports leadership through the Youth Sport Trust. A fantastic lady called Ann Triptree spent time with just three of us, developing us and growing us throughout a year. From this, I got...

Members of the Urban Saints Impact Team walking along the beach in Anglesey, with dramatic seas and sky behind them - during the Impact Team's time away together in October 2019

Scotland News - October

Impact Team Away The Impact Team took a few days away to dream big about what God may do in the UK. We prayed, shared what was working well and some of the challenges our volunteers and we face in our contexts. We had a fantastic time to be 'team' and to...