Westbrook holds such very special memories for many of us; supporters, volunteers and staff. Since coming to work at Westbrook full time in Easter 2023 I have been very encouraged by the stories of those whose lives have been forever changed by encounters with God here, on this anointed and holy ground. It has been an immense privilege to serve here in this 75th anniversary year and to be part of this continuing story of God’s glory being manifested in such a real way.
Advent is such a beautiful season of hope, peace, joy and love, a time to look back at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem 2,000 or so years ago and to earnestly look forward to His coming again as promised. As followers of Jesus, we are called to embody these characteristics in our everyday lives rather than just at particular seasons or for certain occasions. I have a very real sense that in these past 10 months Westbrook has seen glimpses of a reconnection and resurgence of God’s purpose when it was dedicated to His glory in 1948 and in the many years following.
The Pentecost celebration in May that coincided exactly with the dedication of Westbrook to God’s glory by the Laing family and the assembled host, 75 years earlier, was a perfect occasion to pray for God’s blessing on the years past – looking back, and for the years ahead – looking forward.
Highlights for 2023
These are just some highlights of what God has faithfully done in the months following this event.
- Enabled a very strong bond to be established between Westbook and the Island Christian community through events and meetings.
- Restored relationships with those who have an historic connection to Westbrook through visiting and volunteering.
- Excellent feedback from those undertaking residentials.
- Relationships with schools, churches and Urban Saints/Crusader groups who have undertaken residentials at Westbrook have become far less transactional and are instead more collaborative and ministry orientated.
- Bonds of friendship with groups have been established that have led to bookings being enquired for based on recommendations.
- Provided a vision for possible ways forward for the future.
Please celebrate these achievements with me and the team here and pray for God’s continued blessings on this ministry for 2024.
On the 30th April we are hosting a concert with the Abaana New Life Christian Choir of South Africa Abaana – Bringing hope to the children of Africa - Abaana during their tour of the UK. This will have some significant press coverage and I had to spend time cultivating the trust of the organisers that Westbrook could host such an event, they will also use Westbrook as a place of rest and recuperation from their tour.
We are very excited to be hosting the Lionheart Festival 26th to 28th July, Home | Lionheart Festival Isle of Wight this provides Westbrook and Urban Saints with significant opportunities to showcase the centre and the work of US.
April and May 2024 in particular, still have weekend availability and for as little as £70 per person for the weekend (arrival Friday afternoon/evening and departing Sunday after lunch) plus discounted ferry travel provides churches/groups with an excellent opportunity to get closer to God and one another through fun and Christian teaching. Just email westbrook@urbansaints.org to find out more. We have some great testimonies from churches that have come to Westbrook during 2023.
Phil Dixon