
Every donation made to Urban Saints makes a significant difference for children and young people.

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A few things that can help us

Regular donations really help

If you can give monthly, this allows us to commit to communities for the long term. With a regular income coming in, we can employ staff and recruit volunteers for the long term. When we recruit, we look for people who are committed to a community for the long term and this is so we can build strong partnerships and trust with families and young people. When you give monthly, you are joining us in long term partnerships with local communities. We are looking for many more supporters like this.

Some of our regular donors came to faith through Crusaders (Urban Saints was known as Crusaders from 1906 to 2006) when they were young. Others are just equally passionate about our cause. The truth is our ministry would not exist without them.

Add Gift Aid

Urban Saints can receive an extra 25% on top of your donation from HM Revenue and Customs if you are a UK tax payer. In order for us to be able to claim Gift Aid, you must have paid at least as much in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in the tax year as you want to claim in Gift Aid and you must make a Gift Aid Declaration.