The aim of our Additional Needs Ministry is to encourage, enable and equip children's, youth and families' workers to reach, include, create belonging for, and disciple all children and young people, especially those with additional needs or disabilities.
We offer a range of ways for people to connect with, and benefit from, this ministry area, including training, consultancy, an online learning community, and a range of resources, articles and video content as well as a weekly blog.
'All Inclusive?' is six essential seminars for church leaders, youth and children’s leaders, parents, teachers, and anyone who cares about children and young people with additional needs or disabilities.
- Working with children and young people with special or additional needs or disabilities - Accessibility, inclusion and belonging for all.
- Making sense of our senses - Exploring eight of our senses and sensory additional needs and disabilities including Sensory Processing Disorder / Differences.
- Disability equality - Understanding the Equality Act and how it applies to all children’s and youth work.
- Supporting families - Understanding and supporting, practically and pastorally, families of children and young people with additional needs
- How to Include Autistic Children and Young People in Church - creating accessibility, inclusion, belonging, and spiritual development for all.
- Invited to Belong:2U - Helping leadership teams ensure their youth and children's work are accessible and inclusive to all
Consultancy and Community
‘All Inclusive:2U’ - a consultancy programme, to offer churches personalised expert advice during one of their children's/youth group sessions.
'Additional Needs Alliance' - a vibrant and lively online learning community bringing people together who are passionate about working with children and young people with additional needs or disabilities.